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Burr Oak Academy

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Returning to Her Foundation
Returning to Her Foundation

🎉 **Welcome Back, Ms. Reed!** 🌟 Once a student, now a teacher—Ms. Reed returns to our school district, bringing her journey full circle and giving back to the community that shaped her! 🍎✨ Posing with her are her former teachers, Dr. French left, and Ms. Wilkinson, right. 

Calumet Middle School Gymnasium Addition

We're still celebrating a moment in our district's history; Calumet Middle School Gymnasium Addition. A new space for learning. An investment in the community. 

State Representative Robert Rita (IL- 28th District) Attends Ribbon-Cutting

Posing with Representative Rita from left to right-- Ms. Love, Board Member; Principal Ivy (back left); Mr. Norman Edwards, Village Trustee; Mr. Ron Smith, Robinson Engineering (center back); Ms. Harris, Board President (center front),; Rep. Rita (IL. 28th District); Dr. Alexander, SFO (back right)

Calumet Park Village Trustees

Calumet Park Village Trustees pose with State Representative Robert Rita (IL 28th District)

Calumet Middle School Gymnasium Addition Timelapse

"Capturing History: Calumet Middle School Gym Addition" 

Check out the full update on our YouTube Channel: CAL Gym Addition

Mission & Pillars

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Student/Parent Handbook
Student/Parent Handbook 2023-2024

PSD#132 Welcomes each family to our district. Here you will find access to our digital Student/Parent Handbook

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